What all things are visible in Moitele Dashboard?
This article will summarize the Dashboard Basics.
- The Dashboard has five graph charts that depicts information in real time.
- Each graph has an option to EXPORT in PDF. CSV and IMG formats.
- Please give the graphs a moment to load after adjusting the filters.
Types of Graphs

- The world graph indicates the dialed destinations with a color gradients.
- Blue color indicates undialed destination and red collar indicates the most dialed destination with other colors indicating the extent of dealing.

- This graph contains details of dollars $ consumed on the respective months.
- Up and Down fluctuations indicate the maximum and minimum consumption.

- Each color indicates a specific status: Answered, Unanswered, Busy, Failed
- You can always adjust the filters to get results you are looking for in specific.

- This graph gets deeper into the specifics of calls made in terms of Agent Performances.
- This graph offers a clear insight on your agents in the similar color codes as the previous graph.

- This graph will show you data based on the source of calls made.
- You will be able to see which source has been making the most calls in your business.
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