How to activate two factor authentication?
Two factor authentication offers you an additional layer of security when you use Moitele user portal. In this article we will share the step by step process of activating two factor authntication.
Logging in2. Once you login you can see your profile on the top right corner. Click on settings
Navigate to settings3. When you navigate to the settings page, you can see the option to turn on two factor authentication under security settings
Security settings4. Toggle the button to secure your account by two factor authentication and once secured, it should look like the image below
Securing the account by two factor authentication5. Click on 'SAVE' to update settings successfully
6. When you log out and log back in, enter your password to generate an authentication link to your email.
Login to trigger authentication link7. Click on "sign in now" on the link you receive in your email
Click on the sign in link8. You are now successfully logged in
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