How to check SpamStatus™ before purchasing US numbers from the portal?

How to check SpamStatus™ before purchasing US numbers from the portal?

Performing a SpamStatus™ before buying a phone number helps ensure that the number hasn't been previously associated with spam or fraudulent activity. This can prevent issues like receiving unwanted calls or having the number flagged as spam by others, leading to a better and cleaner communication experience from the start.
Here is how you can check the SpamStatus™ of a US number before you purchase it from the user portal.
Step 1: Login to the user portal as an admin.

Step 2: Go to the Agent/DID module.

Step 3: Click on the DIDs (Phone Number)

Step 4: Click on buy phone number

Step 5: Select the country as United States and state(if necessary).

Step 6: The respective numbers will be displayed.
Step 7: Click on the spam status icon parallel to the US number.

Step 8: You will be redirected to the SpamStatus™ check page, and look into user reputation title, If the user reputation is positive, it is a good number.