How to edit/update an existing agent on Moitele User portal?

How to edit/update an existing agent on Moitele User portal?

Follow a few simple steps and easily edit existing agents to your account!

Any of the following actions can be done under an existing agent.

  • Change username
  • Change password

  • Change caller id

  • Change the agent status

Change agent username

  1. Log-in to your admin account at the user portal.

       2. Go to the Agent/DID module.

      3. Click on the pen icon under the action section on the agent which you wish to change the user name.

      4. Fill in the details as per the conditions(make sure that all conditions are coloured green)

      5. Click on update.

Change password

  1. Log-in to your admin account at the user portal.

      2. Go to the Agent/DID module.

      3. Click on the pen icon under the action section on the agent which you wish to change the password.

      4. Fill in the details as per the conditions(make sure that all conditions are coloured green).

      5. Click on update.

Change caller id

In order to change the caller id you should have already purchased the caller id/phone number/DID’s.

      1. Log-in to your admin account at the user portal. 

      2. Go to the Agent/DID module.

      3. Click on the edit icon under the action section on the agent which you wish to change the caller id.

      4. Enter the recently purchased caller id/phone number/DID’s.Click on update.

Change the agent status(Activate/Blocked)

You can always activate/block an agent account based on requirement.

      1. Log-in to your admin account at the user portal. 

      2. Go to the Agent/DID module.

      3. Click on the toggle button under the status section on the agent which you wish to change.

      4. The agent status has been changed from Active to blocked.

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