How to install Zoiper softphone in your Smartphone or PC?

How to install Zoiper softphone in your Smartphone or PC?

Zoiper Softphone is a VoIP softphone that offers a wide range of features for making and receiving calls, as well as managing your VoIP account.
Follow the step-by-step details below to install and use Zoiper for making calls with Moitele
Zoiper is available for both Android and IOS
Installation of Zoiper for making outgoing calls
Mobile installation:
Step 1: Go to App Store/Play Store 
Step 2: Click on the search button

Step 3: Enter "Zoiper Lite Voip softphone"
Step 4: The desired application is displayed.

Step 5: Click on Get/Install.

Step 6: The Zoiper application is installed on your smartphone.

PC installation:
Step 1: Open your browser.
Step 2: Go to

Step 3: Go to downloads options

Step 4: Select your desired Operating System and Click on download.

Step 5: You can opt for the free version, no need to purchase a premium version.

Step 5: After completing the download, you can install and start using it.

Zoiper latest version offers advanced features such as chat, audioconferencing and video. Click the Zoiper image below to visit the website for upgrade

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