How to setup Zoiper softphone in your PC?

How to setup Zoiper softphone in your PC?

Here are the step-by-step setup instructions for Zoiper softphone on your PC:
PC setup 
Step 1: Open Zoiper in your Laptop/PC.

Step 2: If you already have a Voip account, please enter your login credentials.
If not, click on Create Account.

Step 3: Select Moitele as your service provider.

Step 4: Enter the credentials provided by Moitele.
If you don't have credentials, create an account in Moitele user portal. 
Click here for the user portal:
Step 5: Click Login.

Step 6: The Zoiper dialler page is shown, you can start calling, if you see a green colour tick mark.

Alternatively, you can always use our browser softphone or Windows Desktop app.
Windows Desktop app: Search for Moitele in the Windows Play Store and install it.

Download premium version of Zoiper by clicking the logo below -

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