How to use Attendance Module for agents in the customer portal?

How to use Attendance Module for agents in the customer portal?

Agent Attendance Module enables users to seamlessly record their work and break hours directly through the portal.
In order to do that,
Step 1: Login to the user portal with your agent credentials.

Step 2: Once after logging in towards your top right corner click on CheckIn button to mark you login time.

Step 3: If you wish to take break in between, click on Pause button.

Note: If you click on Pause, all the actions in the portal will be Freezed.

Step 4: To continue your work, click on Unpause.

Step 5: To log out from your work, click on Checkout.

Step 6: Your work summary will be displayed, click on close and sign out button to end your work and log out from the portal.

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