How to setup call forwarding for your DID in Moitele user portal?

How to setup call forwarding for your DID in Moitele user portal?

1. Login using the admin account at

Moitele Customer Portal Login

2. Navigate to the Agents/DIDs section on the left-hand side panel

3. Select DIDs (Phone number) to view all active DIDs and agents assigned.

4. Click on the edit icon under 'Actions'.

5. Select 'Agent/PBX' from the drop-down menu, and choose 'Call Forwarding' 

6. Setup the call forwarding according to your need. For example, consider a case where every incoming call has to be forwarded to a landline or mobile number before it rings the SIP account, then one should select the option "Before Call', select the 'Phone number' , fill in the number along with country code. 

7. Click on update to update the call flow.

8. Call Forwarding has successfully completed.

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