How to use the DID management module?

How to use the DID management module?

Moitele's customer portal update allows users to manage DIDs. This article guides users in managing DIDs on the Moitele customer portal. 

1. Login using the admin account at

Moitele Customer Portal Login

2. Navigate to the Agents/DIDs section on the left-hand side panel


3. Select DIDs to view all active DIDs and agents assigned

DID Management

4. Click on the edit icon under 'Actions' to assign a new DID to an agent

Edit DIDs

5. Select 'Agent/PBX' from the drop-down menu, and choose 'Call Forwarding' if required

Assign agent to DID

6. To re-assign a DID to another agent, select the DID and choose the new agent from the drop-down menu in actions

DID will appear on the Agent/DIDs section when the user purchases a new number, and the user cannot assign DID to inactivated agent. 

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