Where can I add new team members?

Where can I add new team members?

The teams section in Moitele Customer Portal allows users to manage adding new team members, add them to teams, assign them roles and manage webhook settings. 
Please remember when assigned to a team users need to login using the teams option at app.moitele.com

Add a new team member by following the steps below:
1. Login with admin account at app.moitele.com
2. Navigate to the teams section in customer portal. The section is below the agent section
3. In 'Team Members' click on 'add new team member'
Adding New Team Member #1

4. Assign a name for the team member. It could be the agent name or name based on their role
5. Enter team member email address
6. Assign password or use existing 
7. Assign the team member to the team. Prior to completing this step, a team has to be created
8. Assign the team and click on 'Create'
Adding New Team Member #2

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